AmeriPlan Combo Plan Registration Fee Has Been Reduced!

Nov 03

AmeriPlan Combo Plan Registration Fee Has Been Reduced!

Good News!!

To become more competitive with industry standards we have lowered the registration fee on the combo membership from $35 to $30 as of November 3, 2015.

Our websites and brochures now reflect the updated registration fee.

If you have any combo brochures that have the $35 registration fee be sure to manually update the registration fee to $30.

Have a great day!


  1. Great opportunity with ameriplan. You are always doing something to help other people I just love you for that.

  2. I just started working with Ameriplan and I am fascinated how we can help others with the health care issues and at the same time we can help ourselves ! The reduction of the combo registration fee is a great idea!

    • Thank You Luz.

      We have a few great items in the works that will help and benefit all IBOs directly. One of our goals at AmeriPlan is to encourage other IBOs, either in your up or downline, connected as friends or even those who are not connected, to share info, ideas, success stories and motivation.

      Stay tuned!